I am an Assistant Professor (Lecturer) in the Department of Medical Imaging Sciences at the University of Haifa, where I am opening my hVision lab this year. I earned my PhD from the School of Computer Science and Engineering at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, followed by postdoctoral research in collaboration with the Martinos Center for Biomedical Engineering at Harvard Medical School. Before my PhD studies, I worked as a scientist at Philips, specializing in the Medical Imaging domain.
I am always looking for motivated Msc. and PhD. students that are passionate about medical imaging technologies.
hVision lab mission
Medical images play a key role in healthcare, encapsulating the essence of “a picture is worth a thousand words.” They enable us to see inside the human body and examine microscopic cells, aiding in various health procedures such as diagnosis, screening, and patient management. Recent advancements in Machine Learning (ML), particularly in Deep Learning (DL), have introduced new and exciting capabilities to the field of medical imaging. hVision lab mission is to harness the power of these cutting-edge ML techniques to unlock the full potential of medical images and enhance healthcare outcomes.
Despite significant ML advancements in medical imaging, challenges remain before these algorithms become routine in clinical practice. They often struggle to generalize across different sites and scanners, requiring more robust models and evaluation methods. Current algorithms focus on specific clinical questions, making it costly to develop solutions for every need, highlighting the necessity for cost-effective algorithms with minimal annotated data. Additionally, workflow tools are essential for seamless integration into clinical practice. hVision lab aims to address these issues and develop clinically relevant healthcare computer vision algorithms.
I firmly believe in the power of communities as essential platforms for both learning and support. Being part of a community provides not only the opportunity to share knowledge and resources but also to receive encouragement and guidance from others who share similar interests and goals.
I am a Community Engagement Officer of Women in MICCAI (WiM)
I am also the founder and organizer of two meetups: